Original Tuscany at MIPEL 113, the event dedicated to fashion and leather goods

Published : 2018-02-16 11:47:02
Categories : Fashion

Original Tuscany at MIPEL 113, the event dedicated to fashion and leather goods

MIPEL 113, the international leather goods fair, was held in Milan. This is a very important showcase for fashion, for the manufacturers of bags and other leather accessories made in Italy. We of Original Tuscany were present to observe the new trends, select, touch the products and meet new potential suppliers. We could compare ourselves with over 300 brands present, true Italian excellence in the leather industry.

Events like these are always important moments for those of us believe in the value of Italian craftsmanship tradition and at the same time want to keep their gaze directed towards the future, towards new international trends. The subject of this 2018 edition of the MIPEL were the senses. The bag as a sensory experience, to be seen, smelled and touched. An approach that we can only appreciate and that we feel very much in line with our mission.

The data regarding the market are also interesting, released on the eve of MIPEL. According to the Centro Studi of Confindustria Moda in 2017 there was a double-digit increase for the bags (+ 12.2%), which are confirmed as the most sold in the leather sector. The quality of Made in Italy continues to be a winner especially abroad: 14.1% increase in exports, again according to data from Confindustria Fashion.

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