Handicraft leather workshop, just a click away

Published : 2018-01-01 10:15:46
Categories : Fashion

Handicraft leather workshop, just a click away

Handcraft leather workshop made in italy

Original Tuscany's mission is to bring the best of the Tuscan leather craftsmanship art to the world, a vocation born within the reknown Leather District, where the Company resides and from which the products originate.

The Santa Croce sull'Arno Leather District dates back to the mid 19th Century, over the it has structured itself in a years a group of companies, each specialized in a specific phase or leather processing and the craftsmen have handed down the traditional techniques from generation to generation, making this area reknown in the fashion industry, on both a national and international level, in fact 98% of the national leather production and 35% of skin production is attributable to this area, a good amount is destined for export.


Nowadays the District's leather craftsmen are committed to minimise the environmental impact, through investments in research and training, representing the circular economy trends. In fact the urban waste water where the tannieries also convey their waste waters, are purified and reused in the productive cycle, without having to draw from groundwater resources. Moreover there is growing interest in leather scraps amongst fashion industry entrepreneurs, therefore highly reducing the environmental and economical impact (for what concerns production costs).

A contemporary approach to business, in line with Original Tuscany's values, that is concerned with ethical and environmental impact issues, with the production's ecological footprint and production costs optimization, promoting its territory and selects the best finished leather goods.

The selected products originate from either the successful combination of traditional know how and contemporary design or they represent a new approch to leather goods created with specific uses, of which the hunting bag is an exquisite example.

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